Virtual Laboratory «Physics»


The virtual laboratory is designed for organizing distance education, conducting experiments and laboratory work in the school subject «Physics» in the part of the section «Optics».

Do you want to work in a Virtual Laboratory?

The Virtual Laboratory «Optics» mathematically correctly calculates and simulates the propagation of light in various media. You can set up devices on the optical bench, adjust their properties, and see how the behavior of the light beam changes depending on the configuration of the setup. A set of screens and a wavelength measuring device will help in this.

The set of equipment available in the application is not available in every laboratory.

The projection of the light beam onto the measuring screen makes reading from the setup more convenient. The tablet and protractor system allows you to study the trajectory of a beam through a complex prism.

The «Physics» Virtual Laboratory, section «Optics» allows:

  • Mathematically correctly calculate and freely simulate the propagation of light in various media and interaction with substances. For this, three-dimensional laboratory equipment and measuring instruments are available without restrictions on the number of objects used simultaneously in the Virtual Laboratory (the «sandbox» concept).

  • Use three-dimensional optical laboratory equipment: screen, collecting lens (with built-in designer), directed light source, optical bench, light source, 2 glass plates in clamps with liquid between them, screen with a slit, lasers with three types of radiation (coherent, monochromatic, red), diffraction grating, Dove prism, optical disc, optical slides (square, triangle, «F»).

  • Use three-dimensional optical laboratory measuring equipment: a device for determining the length of a light wave, a transparent tablet with a marker, eraser, and ruler.

  • Use special measuring and controlling equipment to record changes in the behavior of light rays.

How to work with a Virtual Laboratory?